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Over the last year, the College has undergone a restructure, making it harder and more complex for students to navigate internal processes for administrative and wellbeing support.

We designed this flowchart to help students navigate which College internal procedure and/or support department you may need to engage with.

The document contains hyperlinks to all listed procedures and departments. It will be updated should the College structure continue to shift.

Download the flowchart here.

View the text version here.

We know that the student experience is holistic and cannot be easily categorised. If you have doubts about which College service to use, or want to share a negative experience you had with any person or department you are/were in contact with, reach out to the sabbs at Please note, this flowchart does not reflect the SU’s position or stance on the College structure. Goldsmiths SU is committed to advocating for students' needs, and continues to do so.