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Students' Forum- 22/01/2020

Establish a Functioning Complaints Procedure

To establish a functional complaints procedure in the SU


Proposer: Nishat Seema 

Seconder: Fiona Sim 

Title of motion: Establish a Functioning Complaints Procedure 

Section one: 'This Union Notes...' 

1. There is a hate crime reporting taskforce, as established via GARA, to reform and overhaul the current hate crime reporting system.
2. The SU does not have a clear complaints procedure. 

Section two: 'This Union Believes...' 

1. The SU’s current complaints procedure is defunct and not fit for purpose.
2. Marginalised students and staff deserve a functional complaints procedure to submit their grievances and concerns.
3. All students and staff deserve to have a functional platform to complain about the conduct of the SU. 

Section three: 'This Union Resolves/ Mandates...' 

1. The Trustee Board will meet to discuss the implementation of a new complaints procedure, as per the bye laws.
2. The Union will establish a working group and create a budget to go towards establishing a new complaints procedure.
3. A new complaints procedure will be established by August 2020.