About Us

We are a social club for people interested in K-pop, Korean media and/or Korean culture to get together. We are open to anyone no matter when you became interested in K-pop, or what groups you support! People new to K-pop, or who do not listen to K-pop at all are welcome too. We have a range of different activities planned to suit many people, and just want to have fun✨🌸 


Feel free to come alone and make new friends with our team and members, or to bring along your friends. We are friendly and don’t judge. Everyone is welcome!


Events: Regular K-pop dance classes, Game & Quiz nights, Korean snacks, Korean movie/drama screenings, Dinner nights at Korean restaurants in London, Group meet-ups at events such as MCM comic-con or other events that members may be interested in, Trips to K-pop Club events in London, K-pop themed cafe events on campus, Simple Korean Language classes, and more! 


Membership: £3 per year 

Dance classes are free for members, and £5 for non-members per class. 


To get in contact with, or find updates about the K-pop & Culture society

Instagram: @kpopgoldsmiths

Email: kpopsociety@goldsmithssu.org


If you would like to contact a committee member directly, contact:

President: jokoi001@gold.ac.uk

Head of Culture: dyoo001@gold.ac.uk

Head of Dance: ycai010@gold.ac.uk

Head of K-pop: ywoo002@gold.ac.uk 



We’d love to see you at our next event! 

Goldsmiths K-pop & Culture Society.

No elections are currently running